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Naked Photos of Peter Graves are available at MaleStars.com.
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who appeared with Peter Graves on screen:
Peter Graves
Birthday: March 18, 1926
Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Height: 6' 1"
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for
Peter Graves. If you have any corrections or additions, please email
us at corrections@actorsofhollywood.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have.

The younger brother of Gunsmoke star James Arness, American actor Peter Graves worked as a musician and radio actor before entering films with 1950's Rogue River. At first, it appeared that Graves would be the star of the family, since he was cast in leads while brother Jim languished in secondary roles. Then came Stalag 17 (1953), in which Graves was first-rate as a supposedly all-American POW who turned out to be a vicious Nazi spy. Trouble was, Graves played the part too well, and couldn't shake the Nazi stereotype in the eyes of most Hollywood producers. Suddenly the actor found himself in such secondary roles as Shelley Winters' doomed husband in Night of the Hunter (1955) (he was in and out of the picture after the first ten minutes), while sibling James Arness was riding high with Gunsmoke. Dissatisfied with his film career, Graves signed on in 1955 for a network kid's series about "a horse and the boy who loved him." Fury wasn't exactly Citizen Kane, but it ran five years and made Graves a wealthy man through rerun residuals—so much so that he claimed to be making more money from Fury than his brother did from Gunsmoke. In 1966, Peter Graves replaced Steven Hill as head honcho of the force on the weekly TV adventure series Mission: Impossible, a stint that lasted until 1973. Though a better than average actor, Graves gained something of a camp reputation for his stiff, straight-arrow film characters and was often cast in films that parodied his TV image. One of the best of these lampoonish appearances was in the Zucker-Abrahams comedy Airplane (1980), in which Graves played a deceptively macho-male airline pilot who leeringly asked an admiring young boy "Say...do you like gladiator movies?" This "out of closet" appearance apart, Peter Graves has effortlessly maintained his reliable, authoritative movie persona into the '90s, successfully replacing Edward Herrmann as the resident documentary host on cable's Arts and Entertainment Network.
- Left handed
- Brother of James Arness.
- Daughters, with Endress, Kelly, Claudia, and Amanda
- He said it was almost over for Captain Oveur before the movie Airplane! took flight. Graves said he was astounded when his agent sent him the script for the 1980 spoof, and after reading it, he felt that it was "the worst piece of junk" he ever saw. However, he changed his mind after meeting with the movie's writers, Jerry and David Zucker.
- He directed the "Gunsmoke" (1955) episode "Which Dr." (His brother, James Arness, was the star of that series.)
Naked Photos of Peter Graves are available at MaleStars.com. They
currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars. |
