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Naked Photos of Kevin Nash are available at MaleStars.com.
They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.
who appeared with Kevin Nash on screen:
Kevin Nash
Birthday: July 9, 1959
Place: Detroit, Michigan, USA
Height: 6' 1"
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for
Kevin Nash. If you have any corrections or additions, please email
us at corrections@actorsofhollywood.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have.

Kevin Nash once worked as a bouncer in an Atlanta bar frequented by pro wrestlers He now lives in Phoenix, is married and works out four times a week. He wrestled under the names Steel, Dr. X, Oz, Vinnie Vegas and Supershredder be fore becoming the apparently indestructable Diesel. Despite his fearsome names , it's his athletic prowess, not his physical brawn, that has brought Kevin Nash (Diesel) to the top of his profession.
- Former WCW & WWF Tag Team Champion
- Former member of the nWo & The Millionaire's Club
- He is only 6' 10" tall. The 7' height was an exaggeration from his WCW days
- Was offered the part in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2" because they needed someone who could wear the heavy costume.
- Professional wrestler
- Won the Pro Wrestler of the Year Award [1995]
- Fomer WWF Intercontinental Champion
- Former WWF Heavyweight Champion
- Former WCW Heavyweight Champion
- One of 6 Pro Wrestler to ever win the WCW and WWF in career
- Was offerred the part of Sabertooth in X-Men (2000) but had to decline due to scheduling conflicts.
- Lost to Booker T in his final reign as WCW Champion.
- Won the WCW Championship by defeating Bill Goldberg.
- Lost the WWF Championship to Bret"The Hitman"Hart at Survivor Series in 1995.
- Defeated 46 year old Bob Backlund to win the WWF title for the first time.
- Tristan, son (age 6 as of 2002).
- Holds the record for the shortest WWF title win: eight seconds. As soon as the bell rang, Nash (as Diesel) kicked WWF Champion Bob Backlund in the gut, drove him into the mat with a Jacknife Powerbomb, and picked up the win.
- His face is never seen in his role as Super Shredder.
- Is left handed.
- Planned on returning to the WWE on the March 31 episode of 'Raw is War', but pushed it back to April 7 because he didn't want to intefere in the WWE debut of Bill Goldberg
- Lost a 'hair match' to Chris Jericho in August 2003, which resulted in his trademark long hair being cut. Nash's hair hadn't been cut since his original WWF stint in 1993.
- Had his hair cut short for his role in The Punisher (2004). The WWE worked it into an angle where he lost a "Hair vs. Hair" match to Chris Jericho on the August 18, 2003 live edition of WWE Monday Night Raw .
- His career was effectively ended only a few months after his second return to WWE from injury in April 2003. In May of 2003, he suffered a poorly coordinated kick to the head, which caused his previously existing shoulder injury to flare up once again. He has been out of wrestling since August 2003 and underwent surgery in late October 2003. He said that his career as a wrestler is effectively over, however he still wants to be involved in the business.
- During his last stint with the WWE, he wrestled against real-life friend Triple H in a 'Hell in a Cell' match for the World Heavyweight Championship at the June PPV, Bad Blood 2003. Although he lost, many considered this to be his best match in the WWE.
- Was accidentally stabbed by actor Thomas Jane during the shooting of a knife fight scene in The Punisher (2004). It was reported that Nash didn't notice the wound until someone told him he was bleeding.
- Former member of the nWo Outsiders
- Former member of the nWo Wolfpac
- After tearing his quadricep, was planning on returning to the WWF as his old character, Diesel, and even dyed his hair black. But by the time his return rolled around, his hair had turned gray.
- 3rd wrestler to appear in a Marvel comic book movie, others are Randy Savage (Spider-Man), & Tyler Mane (X-Men), & Triple H (Blade 3)
- As of 2004 Kevin has technically retired, however he still makes odd tag match appearances with fellow Outsider Scott Hall.
- Notable Title Wins Include: WWF Tag Team Titles; WWF Intercontinental Title; WWF Heavyweight Title; WCW Tag Team Titles; WCW Television Title; WCW World Title; WCW World War 3 (3 Ring Battle Royale) Winner 1998
- Played basketball for the University of Tennessee
- At the 1996 Great American Bash, he planted Eric Bischoff through the stage with a Jacknife Powerbomb
- At Souled Out 2000, defeated Terry Funk to become The Commissioner Of WCW.
- Was the first WWE Superstar to appear as a guest on Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel on the 5th May 2003 episode of Monday Night Raw, where he and Triple H beat the holy hell out of each other, leading to their match at Judgment Day.
- Previous Managers: Diamond Dallas Page, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Pamela Anderson, Shawn Michaels, Merlin the Wizard (Kevin Sullivan), Ted DiBiase, Torrie Wilson.
- With team mate Scott Hall, Kevin Nash was defeated by the tag team formed by Shinya Hashimoto and MMA legend Naoya Ogawa.
- 1998 WCW World War 3 Winner.
Naked Photos of Kevin Nash are available at MaleStars.com. They
currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars. |
