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Naked Photos of Jim Jarmusch are available at MaleStars.com.
They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.
who appeared with Jim Jarmusch on screen:
Jim Jarmusch
Birthday: January 22, 1953
Place: Akron, Ohio, USA
Height: 6' 2"
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for
Jim Jarmusch. If you have any corrections or additions, please email
us at corrections@actorsofhollywood.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have.

With his trademark shock of white hair and ultra-cool rock star persona, Jim Jarmusch is the archetypal auteur of American independent film. Steadfastly resisting the sirens of Hollywood, Jarmusch has fashioned stylish, worldly, and thoroughly hip movies that have been the toast of the international film circuit.Born on January 22, 1953, in Akron, OH, Jarmusch was the son of a former film critic for the Akron Beacon Journal. As a child, he spent much of his time watching B-movie triple features. After graduating from high school in 1971, he ended up in New York before venturing to Paris one summer on an exchange program. He loved the place so much that he stayed there for a year, soaking up French culture, literature, and particularly films, spending much of his time going to the cin
- On Feb. 2, 1994, Jarmusch appeared for an interview before an audience on the first night of a retrospective of his films held by the Walker Art Museum in Minneapolis, MN.
- Chris Parker, who starred in Jarmusch's first film Permanent Vacation (1980) was a friend of Jarmusch's and had never acted before (according to a 2/2/94 interview with Jarmusch). When Jarmusch submitted "Permanent Vacation" to Tisch as his film thesis/project, they wouldn't accept it - apparently, they didn't think it was worth their time
- Is the older brother of Ann and Tom Jarmusch.
- Good friend of Aki Kaurismäki, Finnish director of Mies vailla menneisyyttä (2002). Placed the final segment of his movie Night on Earth (1991) in Finland with the three characters speaking Finnish.
- Up until 2005, has never made a film under a studio's watch.
- Attended Columbia University.
- Once almost died from eating wild mushrooms, which resulted in an interest in the study of mushroom.
- Doesn't allow his movies to be dubbed for foreign movie markets. They are mostly shown with subtitles in other countries.
- He owns the negatives to all his own films, except one, Year of the Horse (1997), which he made for Neil Young
- Father worked at the Goodrich tire plant in Akron, Ohio. Mother reviewed films for the Akron Beacon Journal.
- Although Broken Flowers (2005) came out after Lost in Translation (2003), Jarmusch wrote the script exclusively for Bill Murray before Sofia Coppola.
- Has lived with his girlfriend, filmmaker Sara Driver, for 20 years. [2005]
Naked Photos of Jim Jarmusch are available at MaleStars.com. They
currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars. |
