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Naked Photos of Jeff Hardy are available at MaleStars.com.
They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.
who appeared with Jeff Hardy on screen:
Jeff Hardy
Birthday: August 31, 1977
Place: Cameron, North Carolina, USA
Height: 6' 2"
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for
Jeff Hardy. If you have any corrections or additions, please email
us at corrections@actorsofhollywood.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have.

- Along with Matt Hardy, ranked number 9 in a poll of the 10 most humble people in wrestling.
- Faced the The Dudley Boyz in the first ever WWF Tag Team Table Match at Royal Rumble 2000.
- Brother and tag team partner of Matt Hardy
- Designs his own ring outfits with brother Matt.
- His mother died when he was 9 years old, Matt was 12.
- Dated 'Marcella Chasez' [2001]
- On July 22, 2001 at WWF Invasion, Jeff Hardy lost the WWF Hardcore Championship to ECW Star Rob Van Dam when he attempted to use his finishing move, the "Swanton Bomb". He missed his intended target, allowing "Mr. Monday Night" to hit him with the "Van Daminator" to get the pin and the victory over Jeff Hardy.
- He is the youngest WWF Intercontinental champion at 23.
- Has only been in the WWF. (Not including Indy federations.)
- He has held the following titles: WWF Intercontinental title, WWF Hardcore title, WWF Tag title, WWF Light Heavyweight title. With 4 of the 6 possible WWF titles to him, he is on the way to WWF's highest prize, the High 5 title.
- Has also held the European title, won from William Regal on an episode of Raw.
- Has a dog named Liger, a raccon named Imagi and a prairie dog named Whitty.
- His Dog Liger fathered 3 puppies and he kept them all: Little Man, Whitey and Brownie
- The Hardy Boys had their start in OMEGA, a wrestling organization, Matt owned a large portion of it & did 75% of the booking. OMEGA stands for - Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts
- Has a 70 foot aluminiummy in his back yard (an alien statue made of tin foil), and has made his entire back yard into something like the grand canyon
- Has a man made volcano in his front yard, which he sets on fire and uses as a motocross ring
- Previous Managers: Michael Hayes, Lita, Terri, Gangrel.
Naked Photos of Jeff Hardy are available at MaleStars.com. They
currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips,
Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars. |
